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zmhk 2024-06-01
mediterranean_mediterranean翻译       谢谢大家给我提供关于mediterranean的问题集合。我将从不同的角度回答每个问题,并提供一些相关资源和参考资料,以便大家进一步学习和了解。1.mediterranean


1.mediterranean sea是什么意思


3.爱琴海旅游景点英文介绍 爱琴海景区介绍



6.欧洲七大 海洋 英文


mediterranean sea是什么意思

       mediterranean sea

       mediterranean sea




       mediterranean sea

       [英][?meditreinj?n si:][美][?m?d?treni?n si]





       Scattered blue-grey clouds cover the mediterranean sea and the sinai, while much ofnortheastern africa is cloud-free.






       MSC,全称是Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A是地中海航运公司的缩写。




       MSC=全称是地中海航运公司(Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.).总部位于瑞士日内瓦。MSC于1970年建立,2007年成为按照集装箱运力和集装箱船数量排序的世界第二大航运公司,业务网络遍布世界各地。70年代,地中海航运专注发展非洲及地中海之间的航运服务。至1985年,地中海航运拓展业务到欧洲,及后更开办大西洋航线。从投资规模已可看到地中海航运的热诚及其发展的速度。MSC在全世界有350个机构,28,000员工,255艘集装箱船,880,000 TEU的运力,在全球五大洲215个码头停靠,提供175条直航和组合航线服务。





爱琴海旅游景点英文介绍 爱琴海景区介绍




       a. 地下的


       sub[r1] + terr[r1] + anean[r1]


       sub:下 + terr:土地 + anean:形容词后缀(…的,同词根-an)



       a. 地中海(的)

       n. 地中海


       med[r1] + i[r1] + terr[r1] + anean[r1]


       med:中间 + i:音节过渡 + terr:土地 + anean:形容词后缀(…的,同词根-an)


       The straits of Gibraltar are the gate of the Mediterranean./r/n 直布罗陀海峡是通向地中海的必经之路。/r/n

        The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea./r/n 苏伊士运河连接著地中海和红海./r/n



       爱琴海是地中海(Mediterranean Sea)东部的一个大海湾,位于地中海东北部、希腊(Greek)和土耳其(Turkey )之间,也就是位于希腊半岛和小亚细亚半岛之间。南通地中海,东北经过达达尼尔海峡、马尔马拉海、博斯普鲁斯海峡通黑海,南至克里特岛。

       The Aegean Sea is Mediterranean Sea an easternpart big bay, is located northeast Mediterranean Sea, Greece with Turkey between, also is located the Greek peninsula andbetween the Asia minor peninsula. The Nantong Mediterranean Sea,northeast after Dardanelles Strait, Mar Mala the sea, Bose Prew the Sichannel passes Black Sea, the winter solstice Island of Crete.


       Geological landform: In the Aegean Sea sea area the islands multitudinous, spread all over.The coastline is winding, has the innumerable bays, the harbor and takes shelter from wind the bayou.Is in the Asia and Europe tectonic plate and the African tectonic plate backlog collision region, for earth's crust not stability region, multi-volcanos, earthquake.

       爱琴海是世界上岛屿最多的海,所以爱琴海又有“多岛海”之称。爱琴海的岛屿大部分属于西岸的希腊,小部分属于东岸的土耳其。海中最大的一个岛名叫克里特岛。克里特岛面积8 000多平方千米,东西狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。

       The Aegean Sea is in the world islands most seas, therefore the AegeanSea also has "the multi- islands sea" the name. Aegean Sea's islandsmajority of belong to West bank the Greece, slightly partially belongsto the east bank Turkey. In the sea a biggest island name calls Islandof Crete. The Island of Crete area more than 8,000 square kilometers,the thing is long, is south Aegean Sea's barrier.






















       Aegean Sea

       The Aegean Sea (Greek: Αιγα_ο ∏_λαγο_, Aigaío Pélagos; Turkish: Ege Denizi) is a sea arm of the Mediterranean Sea located between the southern Balkan and Anatolian peninsulas, i.e., between the mainlands of Greece and Turkey respectively. In the north, it is connected to the Marmara Sea and Black Sea by the Dardanelles and Bosporus. The Aegean Islands are within the sea and some bound it on its southern periphery, including Crete and Rhodes. The sea was traditionally known as the Archipelago (Greek: Αρхιπ_λαγο_), the general sense of which has since changed to refer to the Aegean Islands and, generally, to any island group because the Aegean Sea is remarkable for its large number of islands.


       In ancient times there were various explanations for the name Aegean. It was said to have been named after the town of Aegae, or Aegea, a queen of the Amazons who died in the sea, or Aigaion, the "sea goat", another name of Briareus, one of the archaic Hecatonchires, or, especially among the Athenians, Aegeus, the father of Theseus, who drowned himself in the sea when he thought his son had died.

       A possible etymology is a derivation from the Greek word α_γε_ (aiges) "waves" (Hesychius; metaphorical use of α_ξ (aix) "goat"), hence "wavy sea", cf. also α_γιαλ__ (aigialos) "coast".

       In Bulgarian the sea is also known as White sea. According to legend, Bulgarian sailors and merchants in the Middle Ages found it a hospitable and timid sea to travel and called it White sea in contrast to the hostile and dangerous Black sea.


       In ancient times the sea was the birthplace of two ancient civilizations _ the Minoans of Crete, and the Mycenean Civilization of the Peloponnese. Later arose the city-states of Athens and Sparta among many others that constituted the Athenian Empire and Hellenic Civilization. Plato described the Greeks living round the Aegean "like frogs around a pond". The Aegean Sea was later invaded by Persians and the Romans, and inhabited by the Byzantine Empire, the Venetians, the Seljuk Turks, and the Ottoman Empire. The Aegean was the site of the original democracies, and it allowed for contact between several diverse civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean.


       The Aegean Sea covers about 214 000 square kilometres in area, and measures about 610 kilometres longitudinally and 300 kilometres latitudinally. The sea's maximum depth is 3 543 metres, east of Crete. The Aegean Islands are found within its waters, with the following islands delimiting the sea on the south (generally from west to east): Kythera, Antikythera, Crete, Karpathos, and Rhodes.

       The Aegean Islands can be simply divided into seven groups: the Northeastern Aegean Islands, Euboea, the Northern Sporades, the Cyclades, the Saronic Islands (or Argo-Saronic Islands), the Dodecanese (or Southern Sporades), and Crete. The word archipelago was originally applied specifically to the Aegean Sea and its islands. Many of the Aegean Islands, or chains of islands, are actually extensions of the mountains on the mainland. One chain extends across the sea to Chios, another extends across Euboea to Samos, and a third extends across the Peloponnese and Crete to Rhodes, dividing the Aegean from the Mediterranean. Many of the islands have safe harbours and bays, but navigation through the sea is generally difficult. Many of the islands are volcanic, and marble and iron are mined on other islands. The larger islands have some fertile valleys and plains. There are two islands of considerable size belonging to Turkey on the Aegean Sea: Bozcaada (Greek: Τ_νεδο_ Tenedos) and G_k_eada (Greek: _μβρο_ Imvros).

       The bays in gulfs counterclockwise includes on Crete, the Mirabelli, Almyros, Souda and Chania bays or gulfs, on the mainland the Myrtoan Sea to the west, the Saronic Gulf northwestward, the Petalies Gulf which connects with the South Euboic Sea, the Pagasetic Gulf which connects with the North Euboic Sea, the Thermian Gulf northwestward, the Chalkidiki Peninsula including the Cassandra and the Singitic Gulfs, northward the Strymonian Gulf and the Gulf of Kavala and the rest are in Turkey; Saros Gulf, Edremit Gulf, Dikili Gulf, _andarl_ Gulf, _zmir Gulf, Ku_adas_ Gulf, G_kova Gulf, Güllük Gulf.

       爱琴海介绍 英语

       aegean sea



       Aegean Sea

       Aegean Sea


       An arm of the Mediterranean Sea off southeast Europe between Greece and Turkey. The numerous Aegean Islands dotting the sea include the Cyclades, the Dodecanese, and the Sporades. Most of the islands belong to Greece.

       爱琴海:靠近欧洲东南部的地中海一海湾,位于希腊与土耳其之间。包括基克拉迪群岛、多德卡尼斯群岛以及斯波拉泽斯群岛在内的爱琴群岛 之无数岛屿点缀于海上。其绝大多数岛屿属于希腊


       英文名称:Aegean Sea

       希腊文名称:Αιγα_ο Π_λαγο_


       地理位置: 爱琴海是地中海(Mediterranean Sea)东部的一个大海湾,位于地中海东北部、希腊(Greek)和土耳其(Turkey )之间,也就是位于希腊半岛和小亚细亚半岛之间。南通地中海,东北经过达达尼尔海峡、马尔马拉海、博斯普鲁斯海峡通黑海,南至克里特岛。爱琴海海岸线非常曲折,港湾众多,共有大小约2,500个岛屿。爱琴海的岛屿可以划分为七个群岛:色雷斯海群岛,东爱琴群岛, 北部的斯波拉提群岛,基克拉泽斯群岛,萨罗尼克群岛(又称阿尔戈-萨罗尼克群岛), 多德卡尼斯群岛和克里特岛。爱琴海的很多岛屿或岛链实际上陆地上山脉的延伸。一条岛链延伸到了希奥岛,另一条经埃维厄岛延伸至萨摩斯岛,还有一条从伯罗奔尼撒半岛经克里特岛至罗德岛,正是这条岛链将爱琴海和地中海分开。许多岛屿具有良港,不过在古代,航行于爱琴海并不是很安全。许多岛屿是火山岛,有大理石和铁矿。克里特岛是海中最大的一个岛屿,面积8000多平方公里,东西狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。克里特岛上有大面积的肥沃耕地,但是其它岛屿就比较贫瘠了。爱琴海岛屿的大部分属于西岸的希腊,一小部分属于东岸的土耳其。




       盐度洋流:因蒸发大于降水,海水盐度较高,为36~39‰,高于马尔马拉海和黑海,因而引起黑海中较淡的海水从表层通过海峡流入爱琴海,而爱琴海中盐度较大海水通过海峡下层流向黑海的海水交换形式。 希腊半岛与埃维亚岛之间的海潮以凶猛多变闻名于世。表层海水夏温达24度,冬温度10度。在490米深处,温度波动在14至18度之间。从黑海流向爱琴海东北的大量低温水流,对爱琴海的水温产生一定影响。黑海水流含盐量少,降低爱琴海海水的咸度。


       战略地位:是黑海沿岸国家通往地中海以及大西洋、印度洋的必经水域,在航运和战略上具有重要地位。 沿海主要港口有萨洛尼卡、比雷埃夫斯(希腊)和伊兹密尔(土耳其)。

       世界之最:爱琴海是世界上岛屿最多的海,所以爱琴海又有“多岛海”之称。爱琴海的岛屿大部分属于西岸的希腊,小部分属于东岸的土耳其。海中最大的一个岛名叫克里特岛。克里特岛面积8 000多平方千米,东西狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。









       歌手:孟庭苇 专辑:心言手语



































       颜色比较做旧,自然的风吹日晒,比较自然。 地中海,西方古文明的发源地之一。



       西班牙蔚蓝海岸与白色沙滩、希腊白色村庄在碧海蓝天下闪闪发光、意大利南部向日葵花田在阳光下闪烁的金黄、法国南部薰衣草飘来的蓝紫色香气、北非特有沙漠及岩石等自然景观的红褐、土黄的浓厚色彩组合。 取材于大自然的明亮色彩。

       地中海风格的基础是明亮、大胆、色彩丰富、简单、民族性、有明显特色。重现地中海风格不需要太大的技巧,而是保持简单的意念,捕捉光线、取材大自然,大胆而自由的运用色彩、样式。 1、在家具选配上,通过擦漆做旧的处理方式,搭配贝壳、鹅卵石等,表现出自然清新的生活氛围。.






欧洲七大 海洋 英文

       The Mediterranean Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Europe, on the south by Africa, and on the east by Asia. The name Mediterranean means: "in the middle of the land"[1]. It covers an approximate area of 2.5 million km? (965,000 sq mi), but its connection to the Atlantic (the Strait of Gibraltar) is only 14 km (9 mi) wide. In oceanography, it is sometimes called the Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea or the European Mediterranean Sea to distinguish it from mediterranean seas elsewhere.

       The maximum depth is 20,916 feet (6,375 m) and average depth is 9,898 feet (3,017 m).

       It was an important route for merchants and travelers of ancient times, allowing for trade and cultural exchange between emergent peoples of the region — the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek, Levantine, Roman, Moorish and Turkish cultures. The history of the Mediterranean region is crucial to understanding the origins and development of many modern societies. "For the three quarters of the globe, the Mediterranean Sea is similarly the uniting element and the center of World History."

       The term Mediterranean derives from the Latin word mediterraneus, meaning "in the middle of earth" (medius, "middle" + terra, "land, earth"). This is either due to the sea being surrounded by land (especially compared to the Atlantic Ocean) or that it was at the center of the known world.

       The Mediterranean Sea has been known by a number of alternative names throughout human history. For example the Romans commonly called it Mare Nostrum (Latin, "Our Sea"). Occasionally it was known as Mare Internum by (Sallust, Jug. 17). Other examples of alternate names include Mesogeios (Μεσ?γειο?), meaning "inland, interior" (from μεσο, "middle" + γαιο?, "land, earth")[3] in Greek.

       Biblically, it has been called the "Hinder Sea", due to its location on the west coast of the Holy Land, and therefore behind a person facing the east, as referenced in the Old Testament, and sometimes translated as "Western Sea", (Deut. 11:24; Joel 2:20), and also the "Sea of the Philistines" (Exod. 23:31), due to the peoples occupying a large portion of its shores near the Israelites. However, primarily it was known as the "Great Sea" (Num. 34:6,7; Josh. 1:4, 9:1, 15:47; Ezek. 47:10,15,20), or simply "The Sea" (1 Kings 5:9; comp. 1 Macc. 14:34, 15:11).

       In Modern Hebrew, it has been called Hayam Hatikhon ( ), "the middle sea", a literal adaptation of the German equivalent Mittelmeer. In Turkish, it is known as Akdeniz, "the white sea". In modern Arabic, it is known as al-Ba?r al-Mutawassit , "the Middle Sea." And, lastly, in Islamic and older Arabic literature, it was referenced as bahr al-room ( ?), or "the Roman Sea."

       地中海 Mediterranean

       黑海 the Black Sea

       波罗的海 Baltic sea

       巴伦支海 Barents Sea(俄罗斯北部)

       北海 the North Sea(英国东部)

       挪威海 Norwegian Sea(挪威西北部)

       爱琴海 Aegean Sea

       亚得里亚海 Adriatic Sea(意大利与希腊之间)
